Is my Frydek too variegated??
I just got this baby frydek today and I kinda rushly picked her out and I thought it had more green than this. But after I got home is when I actually took a good look at her 😭. She and her sisters was on sale and was practically dying in the old potting medium so i repotted her into proper ariod mix. I’m worried if not enough green plus stress of repotting is enough to kill her?
I just got this baby frydek today and I kinda rushly picked her out and I thought it had more green than this. But after I got home is when I actually took a good look at her 😭. She and her sisters was on sale and was practically dying in the old potting medium so i repotted her into proper ariod mix. I’m worried if not enough green plus stress of repotting is enough to kill her?